Monday, April 20, 2009

I AM Study: Lesson Twelve

Our church is having a revival. And a REVIVAL it is!!! Great things are happening! God is moving, and with His help, we'll bring Him glory and more followers!

I have an exam tomorrow. But instead of looking over my notes for the test (it is open book/open note), I'm spending time in His word. I know that spending time with Him will pay off much more than any other studying I can do.

I haven't dedicated enough time to the Lord's Word recently. I am feeling the effects of that. I am determined to get back to Him!!

Here are some of Lisa's words that struck me as I reflected upon them, and want to carry them in my heart.

More than anything, God wants us to seek relationship over provision, intimacy over the miraculous, the intangible over the material.

1. We discussed how we are God's fame and He is ours. Have you ever been in a situation where you are applauded for your ministry and had to fight back the idol of pride? Ever been tempted to believe your own press? It's okay to admit it! Your testimony will help others in their resolve!

Oh, yes. I am guilty of recently. God has used me to minister to children, and in doing so, has given me compliments from adults. I have been giving God glory with my lips but not in my heart. It is He who gives me the words, the patience, the desire, the ability to speak to these children. He has given me the love. I am only His vessel, and am blessed to be able to see Him work in them!!

2. Did it ever occur to you in the 3-way drama of God, Job, and Satan that Satan was the only one outside the loop as far as Job's reactions would be? Does this encourage you in resolving to make a fool of him when he attempts to use you to defame the Name?
Nope!! It never did! I'll admit, also, that I haven't studied Job as I should. Oh, yes, I wish to make a fool of him. I want people to know that I am The Lord's and that He is my light and sufficient grace! I want the devil to tremble in fear of the great things I can do for the Lord!

3. Are you in a situation now where you feel you are being overcome? Better yet, are you in a situation where you should have been overcome but are not?

I am feeling God's call and his nudging, and I am trying to put him on the backburner. I cannot. He is not going to be put behind me. I need to keep my eyes on Him as I do what I am doing. I cannot do it with my power, but with His, I can do so much!!

4.Have you failed in a Satan-designed trial? Can you recognize God intends for this failure to refine and resolve you for next time? God is not out for your destruction but your perfection!
Yes, I sure have. When I was not living my life in a way that was pleasing to Him, I was set for fail. It took me many years to forgive myself for that time in my life, though God forgave me and forgot about it long ago!!

5. Can you describe yourself as a Wonders Junkie? Found yourself in spiritual highs and lows depending on whether you perceived God was doing wondrous things or not?
No, not really....though I see Him in small things EVERYWHERE when I am looking for Him!

6. Have you ever been like Philip and had God right in your face and not recognized Him?

I'm not sure. This is one I will have to ponder.

7. Journal a brief prayer asking God for His Glory. Let it be the thing we all desire above all else.....
Fill my cup, Lord!! I am here and want to follow You. Where You lead me, I will follow....though I am fearful that I will have to leave my comfort zone, I will follow You. I want to give You the Glory, for YOU are the Famous One!