Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Way of Cain Study--Week 2

Yes, I'm way behind. Having to actually go to work does that to a person! I'm taking advantage of some relaxing time to try to catch back up.

First focus is on 2 Timothy 3:16-17
Here it is in The Message translation:

Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another--showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God's way. Through the Word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us.

I found it very interesting that the author goes into the Greek and Hebrew origins of this passage and the wording that was used. This sentence especially struck a cord: Scripture, in essence, is the very breath of God! We cannot live without breathing, in the same sense, our lives will not run as smoothly without seeking God's breath through reading His word!

Next focus in scripture is Proverbs 13:21. I like the New King James Version wording of this one:
Evil pursues sinners,
But to the righteous, good shall be repaid.

Oooh, which one am I? Steppin' on my toes, there!
How much easier is it to sit and complain, to accept and pursue the victim mentality, than it is to go and sow the Seed of faith? How much harder it is to trust in the Lord and move forward!

Next Scripture focus is John 5:1-14. I've linked this one to Bible Gateway so you can read The Message translation of this if you wish.
Jesus is asking the same of us as he did the sick man: Do you want to get well?

This shouldn't be something that we have to think over, but I'll admit there have been times that I relished my 'sick' self and made no real move to get better. I'm very thankful that my Fibromyalgia type issues haven't reared their ugly head like they did this time last year. And I give God the glory for this! I need to share this blessing with more people, I know!!

Something else comes to mind that has changed in me in the past year: I was looking for some spiritual food this time last year, and I wanted someone to feed ME. In the past year, I've actively pursued more ways to be fed myself instead of sitting around and waiting for it. I've searched for ways to spend time with Him, and have been very blessed for it! Thank you, Lord, for your guidance in this!

Now on to the subject of the day. Sorry for the side trip, there!


Next Scriptural reference that touched me: Proverbs 16:20. Again, in The Message translation:
It pays to take life seriously, things work out when you trust in God.

What I want to remember from the author:
Gluttony is excessiveness in any is lust, which simply means 'I must have it now'. Addictions happen because of a lack of self restraint. It is rooted in discontentment.

Next Scriptural reference: Phillipians 4:13: (The Message)
Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am.

Something else the author brings us to remember: Every bad decision we make is merely an earthly attempt to fill a heavenly need.

Something to look up: knowing the works of flesh along with the Fruits of the Spirit so we can discern between our selfish nature and God's Spirit within us. Scripture reference is Galatians 5:19-23.

Our discontent can only be filled by being in agreement with God. Amos 3:3 says,
"Do two people walk hand in hand if they aren't going to the same place?"

Assigned reading: Matthew 25:1-13.
In your own words, describe what the spirit of Cain is. Afterwards, look at list next to Galatians 5:19-21 and Colossians 3:5-9. What do you discover?

Locate and share the Proverbs related to being self-controlled and disciplined.


1. How did the virgins fail to prepare for the coming Bridegroom?
2. Five virgins were described as sensible (depending on version) and the other, foolish. Which one typically describes your preparation methods?
3. Describe the state of mind each group possessed. Now describe the PRODUCT of each group’s labor. Notice the latter part of verse 10: ‘Those who were ready (had diligently prepared) went with him to the wedding feast, and the door was shut.’


1. How did you describe ‘the spirit of Cain’? What did you find as you compared it to Galatians 5:19-21 - the works of the flesh?
2. When your spirit is troubled, what (or whom) do you lean on for comfort and fulfillment?
3. What areas in your life do you lack self-restraint? In what ways can you apply self-restraint by the power of His Spirit in your role as a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, co-worker or complete stranger?
4. Are you agreeing with God presently? Why or why not?
5. Have you confessed any lack of self-restraint to the Father? Now repent and ask God for ‘right desires’ and the strength to choose well that you may hold your head high as HE desires and has in fact, ordained for you!
6. In what ways can ‘being prepared’ crucify your desires to fulfill your old nature (Galatians 5:24)?
7. What does discipline look like to you? Do you remember the phrase from week 1?: ‘Discipline yourselves OR be disciplined’. What preparations have you made for skillful and successful living?
8. Proverbs 25:28 says: “Like a city breached, without walls, is a person who lacks self-control.” Has a personal lack of self-restraint rendered you and your family helpless, unprotected and an easy target for the Adversary?
9. Perhaps you have found yourself much like me at one point - with the victim mentality as opposed to the Victor mentality of Christ. What good seeds of self-restraint is He telling you to presently and actively sow?
10. Do you notice the direct correlation between gluttony and outbursts of anger? Notice that all SIN is the self-destructive seed sown to the flesh and contrary to the Spirit Who gives Life-Abundant. Won't you thank the LORD today for saving you into the Ark of His Kingdom by Christ and ask for 'deliverance from yourself'?
11. Would those closest to you commend or condemn your life as a Believer in Christ?

Memory Verse: Hebrews 13:5:
Don't be obsessed with getting more material things. Be relaxed with what you have. Since God assured us, "I'll never let you down, never walk off and leave you."

Again, please visit Women of the Word for the complete study! I don't even begin to do it justice!
I'll be back with answers to the questions here later on! Have a blessed week!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I hate being an adult sometimes

and the main time I do is when I have to go to a funeral. I don't understand the whys. I don't get it. I don't know understand the WHY of a 44 year old dying on his kitchen floor, nor the WHY of why when the rescue squad responded, they didn't enter the house with a stretcher, aspirin, nitroglycerin, nothing. I can't begin to grasp the lost of a husband, or of a father, or even of a stepfather. I don't know how to help other than to hug them and love them and pray for them.

I'm talking about the sudden death by heart attack of a coworker's husband. Tammie's daughter Nicole got home and found him on the floor and called her grandmother and called 911. They did everything that they possibly could for him, but he did not make it. I hadn't thought about this until Tammie's sister mentioned it to me today....the thought that he was laying there, knowing what was happening to him, and not being able to stop it. It breaks my heart.

Their daughter Emily just entered fourth grade. She has had anxiety issues for years....clowns, firefighters, loud noises. She was so excited week before last because they were going to stay in a cabin in Pigeon Forge and go to Dollywood. She commented that she'd never been there before because she'd always been scared to go. And now.....she just lost her daddy.

Emily was holding together pretty well. She was not in the chapel, but was in the foyer sitting. When I left, one of her friends was there with her. Nicole hugged me and started sobbing, and then told me how worried she was about Emily. Tammie is still in shock, but said she is ready to come back to school because she doesn't want to sit at the house anymore. My heart just breaks for them.

And then this makes me think about my own parents' mortality, and how much I am NOT ready to lose my Daddy. And I'm 35! To lose him unexpectedly at 10....I can't even begin to imagine. I can't fathom it, and I am so, so sorry that she has to deal with this. I worry about Nicole having been there trying to help him as he died.

I just don't know. I hurt for them. And I just don't know what else to say.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I AM study: Lesson 10: Keeping it in the Family

Discussion Questions:
1. Have you ever experienced trials that were best dealt with "in the family" for either your reputation's sake or God's? You may still choose to leave them there, but you are welcome to share if you are comfortable.
Yes, and no. As a pastor's child, even if things were dealt with privately, sometimes others had to know about them. As an adult, I have had people ask me if decisions I made negatively affected my father's ministry. If they did, I never knew about it. I'm sure somebody somewhere didn't like the way we dealt with things, but at the time, I think those people who knew us well knew that God's hand was very actively healing our family from hurts and was preparing us for LIVING.

2. Have you ever found yourself in a bizarre circumstance and later were able to walk someone through the same/similar situation? Did you recognize the hand of God in it?
Oh, yes! And I truly believe that this is one reason why I am here on this Earth today, to share my testimony with others and hold them up when they don't feel like walking on their own!

3. I was in my late twenties before I ever let myself believe God was for me instead of waiting to smack me upside the head every time I made a mistake. Do you truly believe God is on your side?
Yes. God is definitely on my side! Even through the roughest times I have had, I knew that God was hurting with me, not causing the hurt. He is SO good to me!

4. If God has ever had you in the Holy Spirit Chokehold (and who hasn't He?), how have you reacted to God's chastisement? Were you bitter? Brokenhearted? Grateful?
Oh, definitely grateful. I am so grateful that He cares enough about me to reach out and grab me!

5. Write a brief prayer of Thanksgiving for God's longsuffering.
Heavenly Father, I am so thankful for your unconditional love. I know that my hard headedness must get frustrating at times, but I know that you love me anyway. Thank you for blessing me over and over, even when I don't acknowledge your many blessings as I should! I love you, Father!

Study answers


1. What did the prophet reveal to King Rehoboam and how did the people respond? He revealed that the people had not been faithful to God’s word, so now he was going to abandon them to Shishak.
2. What did the LORD’s discipline consist of? He did not destroy them because they were repentant; he did make them Shishak’s subjects.
3. What was the extremely important Kingdom lesson that ADONAI wanted to impart to the people of Israel (vs. 8)? He wanted them to learn the difference between serving Him and serving human kings.
4. Take note that bondage is not total destruction; rather, it is the rod that God uses to help us identify that we are on the wrong path!
5. What Scriptures relating to being humble and obedient come to your mind? Hmmmm, none right away!


1. Do you feel inwardly that you suffer from a restless and wandering spirit? At times. Right now, no, but I have felt that way in times past.
2. Do you find yourself mostly living in a state of discontentment often looking for the ‘next thing’ to bring you joy and fulfillment? Identify these things by journaling them. I do look forward to things, but I think that I do live in the present pretty well, too!
3. Does joy and fulfillment presently pervade your spirit? Yes, other than with this stinkin’ rash!
4. Are many of your relationships troubled? No, I do not have very many troubled relationships.
5. Does jealousy over another's accomplishments or possessions rule your spirit? There are moments, but not regularly!
6. Are you frequently late and unprepared for each day? Umm, sometimes late, but usually pretty well prepared!
7. Is your home out of order? Unfortunately, yes!
8. Ask our Heavenly Father to help you identify what is acceptable and what is not in your life. He will not only help you identify these areas, but He will give you a conquering faith (1 John 5:3-5) that you may HOLD YOUR HEAD HIGH!

1 John 5:3-5
“The proof that we love God comes when we keep his commandments and they are not at all troublesome. Every God-begotten person conquers the world’s ways. The conquering power that brings the world to its knees is our faith. The person who wins out over the world’s ways is simply the one who believes Jesus is the Son of God.”

9. What are some ways the LORD might be calling you to actively sow good seed for a future and bountiful harvest (2 Corinthians 9:10)? “This most generous God who gives seed to the farmer that becomes bread for your meals is more than extravagant with you. “
I think God is calling Chris and me to continue to work with the children's programming in the church.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Want to join in on a study?

I'm doing a study at a blog called Women of the World on The Way of Cain.

We read Ezekiel 16:49 in several different Bible translations. How revealing to know that Sodom's chief sin was one of PRIDE. And what does pride mean, other than God, my plans are better than yours? And this was a result of making poor choices.

Looking back at Genesis 4:7, God rebukes Cain for, as The Message calls it, pouting. Hmmmm, I've not ever done THAT, have I?! LOL This is the first mention of sin in the Bible, which I find interesting. Sin wasn't mentioned in the Garden of Eden, where we often think about Eve being the first to sin.

"The writer then goes on to talk about how it is not only enough to KNOW the Word of God, but it must be SOWN as well. We talked about this in Sunday School yesterday, about how just saying that we are believers in Christ is not the be all, end all. We must then go forward and share His word with others!

Next Biblical reference that spoke to me: Proverbs 4:25-27.

Discipline is not easy, but it is the way that will lead to the life God desires for us. See Hebrews 12:4-11. Oh my....that means that I'm gonna have to discipline myself to put God first....and that may mean--gasp--getting up earlier to read my Bible! EEK! Pray for me, readers!

Here's another one that I need to hear: Micah 6:8:

"But he's already made it plain how to live, what to do, what God is looking for in men and women. It's quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love, and don't take yourself too seriously--take God seriously."

Now for this week's assignment! We need to surf through the Proverbs and take note of Scriptures dealing with Pride, Humility, and the need for discipline and preparation.

We also need to read 2 Chronicles 12.

Here are this week's questions. I'm not going to answer them just yet, but I am putting them here so I can reflect upon them.


1. What did the prophet reveal to King Rehoboam and how did the people respond?
2. What did the LORD’s discipline consist of?
3. What was the extremely important Kingdom lesson that ADONAI wanted to impart to the people of Israel (vs. 8)?
4. Take note that bondage is not total destruction; rather, it is the rod that God uses to help us identify that we are on the wrong path!
5. What Scriptures relating to being humble and obedient come to your mind?


1. Do you feel inwardly that you suffer from a restless and wandering spirit?
2. Do you find yourself mostly living in a state of discontentment often looking for the ‘next thing’ to bring you joy and fulfillment? Identify these things by journaling them.
3. Does joy and fulfillment presently pervade your spirit?
4. Are many of your relationships troubled?
5. Does jealousy over another's accomplishments or possessions rule your spirit?
6. Are you frequently late and unprepared for each day?
7. Is your home out of order?
8. Ask our Heavenly Father to help you identify what is acceptable and what is not in your life. He will not only help you identify these areas, but He will give you a conquering faith (1 John 5:3-5) that you may HOLD YOUR HEAD HIGH!
9. What are some ways the LORD might be calling you to actively sow good seed for a future and bountiful harvest (2 Corinthians 9:10)?


1. Discipline apart from lovingkindness is legalism (unpleasant).
2. Lovingkindness apart from discipline is laziness (unproductive).
3. Kingdom Life (the Spirit-filled and Spirit-led life) is meant to be both pleasurable (Psalm 16:11) and productive!
4. Notice that to even be able to enjoy the good that results from our work is THE GIFT OF GOD. - Ecclesiastes 2:24; 3:12-13,22
5. NOT WALKING in the very pre-ordained purposes for our everyday will lead to a restless/wandering spirit as Cain had - never quite finding what his spirit yearned for, REST (Matthew 11:28-30).
6. WEEK 1 FOCAL PASSAGE: 2 Chronicles 12 - Rehoboam was not completely destroyed due to his pride. But after the people humbled themselves at the prophet Sh'ma'yah's warning, the LORD gave them over to slavery (He granted them a measure of deliverance - verse 8) SO THAT THEY WOULD COME TO APPRECIATE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SERVING HIM and serving earthly kingdoms! His discipline is meant to teach us something. (Hebrews 12:11). Are we receiving His discipline as one who trusts Him fully? (Proverbs 1:23)
7. The land of Nod (wandering) is where we as Christians often walk, not fulfilling the very purposes and receiving the freedom God has ordained for us (see Genesis 4:9-16).
8. We begin to walk in freedom only as we PREPARE our hearts to seek Him with our whole hearts each day. While that may sound so simple, King Rehoboam fell into the spirit and Way of Cain because he did not PREPARE his heart to seek the LORD. (Matthew 6:33; Proverbs 16:1).
9. Cain had nothing good and acceptable to give to the LORD because he had not prepared his field and tended the land God had given him. Have you ever seen an unkempt field - thorny, bug infested and growth-stunted?
10. Though the LORD spoke a liberating word over him (Genesis 4:7), thus giving him another chance at success, Cain did not respond to that discipline. His jealousy over his brother's success drove him to murder.

And last but not least, this week's memory verse!

The discerning person focuses on wisdom there before him, but a fool's eyes wander to the ends of the earth. ~ Proverbs 17:24

I'll be back later in the week to answer and comment more! If you'd like to join me, please visit the above blog since I haven't included everything here!